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Big Welcome!

Our Board is proud to introduce our new site

The Foundation Board ask your attention and cooperations for the followoing:

Today many initiatives are undertaken worldwide which are meant to make the pubic aware of the serious consequences of Global Warming.
Until this day it was hardly mentioned that it is mainly the current bio-industry -with its worldwide exploitation of farm-slaughtering animals for meat production purposes- which is responsible for the biggest environmental pollution. Creating today's fast climate change and alarming Global Warming.

This is the reason the undersinged members of the Board, bring (in close collaboration with there REGION - REPRESENTATIONS) this "alarming situation" to the worldwide attention of the public. The inVitroMeat Foundation dedicates itself to financially support all Vitro Meat programmes worldwide. Now and in the future.

We warmly recommend you to use our website for reference, information, details and surely to support the inVitroMeat programmes.

inVitroMeat Foundation

United Nations report:
"Livestock a major threat to environment"
Remedies urgently needed
....Read all about it....

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